The phrase “the pen is mightier than the sword” might have been true in the 19th century. But as our civilization advances and comes up with new technologies, books become more and more redundant.
A picture is worth a thousand words. Movies nowadays attract a large number of eyeballs, making it a big business. They reach a far greater audience, are popular than books, and some might even dare say they are more entertaining.
Of course, this wasn’t always the case. Once upon a time, the written word held supremacy and influenced public opinion. But the tremendous boom of the film industry, coupled with the downfall of books, became the best source to educate many people and impart cultural values.
Top Reasons Why Movies are Better Than Books

Even online articles with the potential to reach billions fail to have any permanent effect on their readers. So, while keeping all this in mind, let’s look at a few reasons why movies are better than books.
Reason #1: Visually appealing
Earlier, the smell of a new book brought about nostalgia, but this is no longer the case nowadays. As our civilization becomes digitally advanced, the pages of a book seem dull. Films have a factor that makes them visually appealing to their counterparts. It makes them more enjoyable than reading plain old text and is an excellent reason movies are better than books.
Reason #2: Sound effects
Each character in a movie, either good or bad, has certain music that plays when they come on screen. It helps the audience make the difference between the hero and the villain and helps set the mood for a perfect suspense thriller.
These sound effects play an essential role in keeping the audience glued to their seats as they can’t wait to figure out what happens next. Thus, an overall visual and auditory simulation proves to be a better medium than books.
Reason #3: Special effects
There’s no limit to human imagination, and we tend to limit our thinking capabilities by placing fictional boundaries in the mind. Special effects take this to another level. While reading a book, we can imagine what the battle scene must have looked like, but we can create an extraordinary experience with modern technology.
Reason #4: Social aspect
Watching movies in the theatre is a social occasion where friends, families, and loved one’s gather together to enjoy a peaceful time. What’s more, if you don’t want to step out of your home, you can still watch absolutely every movie, all thanks to different streaming platforms.
Whereas reading a book is a personal experience where the reader is disconnected from the outside world.
Reason #5: Star Cast
Many of us are guilty of watching movies even if they have received bad ratings because a particular actor or actress is starring. An action sequence with your favorite hero makes all the difference in the world.
While scenes like sword fighting might get boring if you read it in a book. But that’s not the case for films as words don’t restrict it.
The effectiveness and the influence of movies are mainly because the visual stimulus is far more provoking than the auditory stimulus. Moreover, as an art form, they display content more prosperously and faster than books.
Though films serve as a passive medium for learning, they provide the content better consumable. Hence, these are the reasons why movies are better than books. Here’s a list of movies which might interest you: