Some movies are best treated as cinematic antiques. Top Gun inspired many young people when it released. It is one of the best pop films of the mid-80s based on aircraft, navy, love, and friendship. Our Top Gun Review is a high gloss tale of testosterone-charged flyboys and fast planes.
Top Gun is not a movie in an absolute sense. It is an escalating series of masterfully composed motorcycles, pectorals, planes, and aircraft carriers. With an amazing soundtrack and brilliant scenes, the movie is truly a roller coaster of emotions, actions, and drama.
Top Gun Review: Plot and Story

In the beginning moment of Top Gun, Maverick is a codename of a navy pilot lead character Pite Mitchell. The first scene shows how Maverick (played by Tom Cruise) flying his plane above the Russian-built MIG. He clicks a polaroid picture of the enemy pilot.
The stunt made Maverick famous within the small circle. The Top Gun school, an elite naval flying school, selected Maverick and his friend. Known as Top Guns, the school is named after its graduates. The movie shares the bravery of the young pilot Maverick, the girl of his life, the mystery of the heroic father, and the loss of his top pilot friend Goose.
After the demise of his dear friend Goose, the hot shot pilot Maverick decides to join the navy. However, the brilliant stories of his pilot father inspired him to fly a plane again. The movie also took a turn when one of the maverick instructors named Charlie. Charlie takes an interest in the picture of an enemy pilot hr clicked they both start a romantic relationship.
Top Gun Review: Themes and Analysis

The movie has an underlying redemptive theme, as Maverick redeems himself in the eyes of his fellow naval aviators. One of the best qualities that Maverick has is recklessness. He distinguishes himself from his fellow pilots because of his taste for danger.
Tom Cruise plays Maverick’s character beautifully and it is also one of his best movies that inspired many young ones to attend the navy.
Despite his reckless nature, he is shown as a person who self-reflects. After suffering through a tragedy, Maverick understands the need to be cooperative and patient. In the end, Maverick won against the enemy by partnering with his fellow naval aviators and they hugged each other.
Top Gun Movie to Watch: Yay or Nay

The whole movie shows many episodes from a navy aviator’s life and also of many who work for their country.
There can be moments where you will feel numb, dumbstruck, you will self doubt yourself, and in between learn a lot from everyone around you but one thing that will stay consistent throughout your life will be you and your learnings. So it is definitely a must-watch movie.