Japanese Drama – Don’t Call it Mystery Review

Don't Call it Mystery main character, show review

‘Don’t Call it Mystery’ is a 2022 Japanese drama based on a manga series with the same name. It absolutely left me wanting more. I have not met a lot of people who know this one, but that is a damn shame. This hidden gem has done a stellar job when it comes to the crimes and how the protagonist goes about solving them. 

If this review manages to convince you to give this a watch, then you can catch it here.

There is also a film adaptation available with the same name. However this review covers the TV series.

Don’t Call it Mystery: Plot Overview

The story of Don’t Call it Mystery follows a curly-haired student Totono Kuno (played by Masaki Suda). He is an intelligent, observant, introverted person without friends. However, he is content in his quiet, peaceful life; as he spends it watching the seasons change and enjoying home-cooked curry.

His entirely uneventful existence is however overturned when the police arrest him as the prime suspect of his classmate’s murder. While locked up, the only thing he can do is gather and observe whatever limited data he can to figure out who is the real killer. Hopefully, also clearing his name in the process. 

The story follows his journey, as he is dragged into more shenanigans.

Mystery Aspect

Don't Call it Mystery review

As an avid viewer of mystery I believe that there are two polarities that the mystery creators have to balance. The first one is giving everything away, and not being able to maintain any mystery at all. Yet it’s the lesser of the two devils. The second one though, is much more insidious and a lot of creators fall into its trap. This refers to the situation where not enough is hinted at. Yet in the final monologue reveal, the creators will add all these hints and clues to make the ambiguous answer fit. It always ends up feeling very forced, and sometimes also makes the observant protagonist feel a bit overpowered.

However, the creators of this show managed the two polarities brilliantly. They managed to give hints such that the viewers would enjoy making speculations. At the same time the reason ‘Why’ the speculation fits, is such a twist that it leaves this sense of amazement and surprise. 

Suffice it to say, that this was a mystery show that made me wish for ‘The Neuralyzer’ (Men in Black memory device) to actually exist. So that I could rewatch it like it was the first time ever.

Introvert Protagonist

The cliché of a savant, introvert protagonist is very well-played in this show. The creators hinted at his past, but at the same time allowed the protagonist to remain neutral. He doesn’t fit into the classic intelligent but mean protagonist mould. Instead he is shown a bit on the apathetic side with a hint of justice and lots of curiosity. Plus, unlike other depictions, he is not good at everything. This makes him very relatable.

Another thing that the creators have done is shown him as really enjoying his solitude. It leads to a lot of comic moments too. Especially after the first episode, where he gets smacked in the face with mystery while he is out and about trying to mind his own business. His introversion is not shown as a flaw, and by the end of the series, he is not fixed. 

Cinematography and Pacing

The camera work is very low key keeping in line with the story. There are no magnificent shots and there is no over the top flair. The series is very dialogue heavy and does not have much action either. It grounds the series in a way, allowing the story to truly shine. 

Seeing that it is a mystery show, the pacing is immaculate. Just enough information is revealed at just the right time. Keeping the viewers always guessing.


There is no romantic angle in this series. This could be especially preferable for people looking to watch something that is not romantic coded for once. 

The protagonist is a true loner,  and they don’t really change this aspect. However, over the course of the show, new characters are introduced that end up becoming almost friends with the protagonist. 

Still scene from Don't Call it Mystery

Final Thoughts

This show, Don’t Call it Mystery, is one of the really good ones when it comes to the Crime and Mystery genre. I would definitely recommend this one as a must-watch.

However, please note that the show creators have made sure to leave an open ending. This means that more seasons might be planned but as of the time of writing this review, nothing has been confirmed yet. I, for one, am looking forward to more from this universe. 

Also, just a caution for all the binge-watchers out there. If you do plan on watching Don’t Call it Mystery, then starting it in the evening at 9 pm might not be the wisest choice. Especially if you need an early start the next day. 

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