Do you happen to love watching tons of movies, shows or documentaries? Then share with us your content and viewpoint! We are calling out every person out there who knows how to write their opinion about what they love to watch as a hobby. BUT, we have a few guidelines you might want to keep in check while contacting us about getting your article posted with us.
- Every article will cost $15 to get posted on Movies2binge. We allow max 1 follow link & 2 no-follow link to go with the article. (We will assist you with the SEO guidelines and keywords to target in your article of chosen topic).
- If you don’t want to write, send us a topic and we’ll write it for you based on SEO guidelines at $35 of atleast 1000 words. We allow max 2 follow links & 1 no-follow link to go with the article.
- Make sure the content is thorough and easy to read when it comes to grammar and punctuation.
- Do not use any complex words. The vocabulary should be easy to read for a 14-year-old and a 40-year-old.
- Keep the article of at least 1000 words.
- The content should be plagiarism-free.
- Be sarcastic, humorous or even mean if you have to, doesn’t matter. Be the kind of critic you always wanted to be!
- Try to create listicles if possible with odd numbers in the list like 13 Movies to Watch, 17 Shows to Check Out, etc. (They get viewed more!)
- Your name will appear as an Author, hence we’ll also need a short author bio of 50 words.
If you get ready with your content as given above, fill this form to pitch us your article! If you can’t find the ideas despite the guidelines then email us at contact@movies2binge.com. We’ll discuss what you can write about!